Partnership with Sharek Academy




As part of our Global View at Analytica, we strive to work with leading institutions across the Globe. We are proud to announce our partnership with Sharek Academy, a leading institution in educational and consultation services in the Middle East and North Africa.

The Analytica-Sharek partnership will result in mutual benefit for both institutions. Analytica will provide the much needed advanced analytics while Sharek will provide their expertise in the educational services space. Analytica will work with Sharek to leverage Data Science to build better educational products and services.

Personality Test

Sharek Academy has been working for years on developing a new type of personality test. Their test is partially based onĀ Jung’s theory of psychological type. Sharek’s newly developed personality test aims at achieving higher accuracy compared to legacy tests available online and through other sources. In order to achieve the higher accuracy, scientists at Analytica applied advanced Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to data collected from thousands of historical tests. Teams from Analytica and Sharek worked together to customize the process of question selection and scoring in developing the personality test.

We are proud to announce that our collaborative efforts has resulted in 12% increase in accuracy, from 80% to 92% test accuracy.

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